First, to introduce us, I'm Shawnee Zatorsky and together with my husband Marc Zatorsky we write and produce stories for the internet. We recently completed producing our 3rd story that's now streaming on Amazon Prime and have a lot of screenplays clogging up the house and our computers, so we need to get some of them out to the world! Here's my question to the group, I was recently told that in order to get in front of a network to pitch your series you will first need an agent to shop the script, but in order to get a lit agent you must first sell a script that gets their attention; thus, the chicken and the egg scenario. Is this true? I've also been told that the closest we could ever get to anyone remotely close to a decision making process is the 4th floor and all the decision-makers are on the 27th floor and that NOBODY can cold-call a network or showrunner for a pitch meeting. Is this true? Any thoughts?
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Stage32 has arrangements with over 600 Film & TV executives. They are called "Pitch Sessions". And they range from $39 to $59. Good luck to both of you. I am a Native New York screenwriter and a member of Stage32 for 3 years.
Yes, we have a show on Amazon Prime currently streaming. We have a former "big" name actor in the series...but, we don't have ANY contacts as far as agents go and was told that an agent would be required. We've been pitching on Stage 32, great feedback and some a couple requests...but, that's as far as we've gotten.
The big name is "Burt Reynolds." Do you think if we cold-contacted contacted an agency they would see us? I don't want to do anything if it's against industry standards.
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My experience has been very producers are looking to develop their own ideas. I made contact with someone this week looking for a biopic and I pitched my angle for it and the guy liked it. He has an impressive track record and I'm meeting with him tomorrow. But finding an agent for spec scripts without any buzz is very difficult.
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Ask Burt Reynolds to call a TV agency for you. Burt was the number 1 Hollywood actor. Give him a stake of your idea, use his name and fame.
Thank you guys for the straight-forward advice. I appreciate it.
Hi Dan, it's a comedic-drama or some call it dramedy. Like a mash-up of Gilmore Girls and Twin Peaks. Thank you for asking. We've been pitching up a storm here on Stage 32 with a couple little nibbles. Still moving our feet.
Dan G - a blind pass to our agent? If I ever did that - he'd no longer be my agent.
If they only take or use scripts from writers with previous TV experience, then why are all those execs listed on the "HappyWriters" tab looking for content? How did you both (Doug Nelson, and Dan Guardino) get agents? What does your path look like? I know everyone has to develop their own path, just curious what yours looks like; if you don't mind me asking. If it's private, I completely understand. Thanks. ~Shawnee