Friends, I'm well into a drama feature and although I feel I'm touching on nice dramatic emotional scenes, I have a devil on my shoulder telling me to kill someone. In other words, as a nobody in this business, can I sell a drama that has minimal action? My story has a death in the very beginning but the remainder is about the dramatic lives of people involved. It's political and focuses on strong female leads. I fear being boring but I don't want to insert action or high drama just for the sake of needing action. I hope this question makes sense.
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Hmmm...good question. Some films like "The king speech" has no action at all and works very well (at least it did for me and the Academy!)... "Manchester by the sea"? Haven't seen the movie but I don't think it has much action either...however, if you start hearing voices that tell you something is wrong while writing, then usually it's because there is a problem...Question is, are you sure the problem is the lack of action? If you have good conflict between characters your script can't be boring. As you have strong females, throw in a cat-fight, maybe in a mud pool between the two strongest ones and you're going to have all the boys attention! :)
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My leads are elderly, so maybe a tapioca fight?
Thank you all, very helpful.
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Part of my angle in my question is my status. If I was a writer with a few films in my past and success then there's faith in my low action script. But with pitching and such, I so often hear that the story needs meat and needs to grab the reader. I know I can write a great story with low action, but can a nobody like me sell a quiet drama. Being that my story is so dedicated to strong female leads I almost feel like adding unnecessary conflict is an insult to my ladies. As much as the devil is telling me to show some carnage, the Angel is telling me not to sell out.
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Hey Travis! Ask yourself this... How is a "loud" drama going to be easier for you to sell since you emphasize your status? Your status in the industry is a constant in the conversation, right? But what you can do is write different scripts that, if they´re good enough, can change that status. My point being, focus on the story, not your status at this point in time. I am a "nobody" as well, but the scripts of mine that generated most interest from professionals happen to be quiet dramas. It´s all about the story and the execution.... And a little luck, of course...
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Agree with Zlatan (Hi Zaltan!!!). With "quiet" or smaller drama it is all about the story and the execution—and great, authentic characters. Hey, writing a great drama could showcase your writing skills. Lol! Besides these types of films usually are more character driven than action. Nonetheless, small dramas and big action stories are built using the same story elements, are they not? Both use goal, conflict, obstacles, driving momentum, etc. ;) Perhaps look to other dramas for some insights and inspiration. Off the top of my head, not really political but... August Osage County, Amour... Maybe Philomena? ;) Hope that helps!
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Yes Beth that helps. I looooooved Philomema.
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Half Nelson. Not a lot of incident at all. I'm sure there are many other examples.
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Hi Beth!!! :) Personally, I love both watching and Writing "smaller", budget-friendly films with a lot of heart. I think most people enjoy those as well. A movie/script doesn´t have to be a hundred million Dollar project to be successful, I don´t think. Recently, I pitched one of those "big" scripts and got all 5´s across the board for the pitch itself but the exec passed beacuse it was basically too big. So there you go :)
Can it work? Of course it can. Are you a good enough writer to make it work? If you fear it may be boring listen to that fear. If YOU find it boring others will.
The unasked but implied question might be, "Will a drama with minimal action sell to a big studio?" Is that your underlying question?
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I believe that any story can work as long as its compelling and has a bit of a bite to it. I mean a story about a fish trying to cross the ocean to find his son was fantastic. This was because the we cared about the character, his struggles, his motivations, etc. Make us care, make us feel like we are experiencing what your characters are and regardless of whats in it you will do just fine. There is a reason why it has its own genre, Drama is the grandfather of story. Just my opinion.
I've enjoyed many a movie whose story began as a stage play. Maybe the most recent would be August: Osage County. The Goodbye Girl's a big favorite (as are The Odd Couple, Barefoot in the Park, and others by Neil Simon), and earlier this year I remember finding A Raisin in the Sun (starring a young Sidney Poitier) riveting, despite hardly any action. But the talk! Great dialog (along with great characterization) is what you need for a stage adaptation.
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Hello Travis, good question. Try this. Change the word drama, to suspense. Then set your location scenes as places where you cannot/ should not have a lot of action, i.e.; the creepy dark basement of a supposed haunted house. Let the audience set/ anticipate the action for themselves by asking, "Why would anyone in their right mind go down into that basement in the first place"? Then titillate them with once they've gone into the basement, "What's behind that locked door?"
This is just one oM many ideas you can create, so literally go crazy at it because that's what we writers do. Good luck.
Travis - maybe/maybe not - I'd have to read the script first.
You know Doug, I'd probably have a better chance at finding my answer if I stopped lollygagging and finished the darn thing.
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Great writing speaks for itself. Write it!