Hi there! My name is Candice Cain, and I'm a writer/director. My first film "What Happened Last Night" is distributed by Sony in the USA and Canada. I'm currently working on a single-camera comedy series, for which I'm trying to obtain placement. I've also got a couple of films I'm trying to get funded. I live on Long Island with my husband, twin 9-year olds, mother and dog. Nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome to Stage 32! Happy networking!
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Welcome Candice!
Hi Candice and congratulations on the film. If I may ask, how did you go about securing the Sony distribution?
Vitaly- yes, you are missing something. Click on "Other company credits" for the full list. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is listed there for the USA and Canada. I've added a screenshot for you so that you can see.
James- I went to the Marche du film at Cannes. It was picked up there, then sold to Sony.
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Yes, I'm legit. It would be a bit foolish to claim something that couldn't be proven in a group of filmmakers!