Introduce Yourself : What's good, Sexy Creatives by Shawn Speake

Shawn Speake

What's good, Sexy Creatives

Welcome! I'm Shawn, screenwriter and actor, accomplishing goals with S32. And you can to. Any questions on process, holler at your boy. Just don't use the 'D' word with me. Nobodys sleepin' or dreamin'. We set goals, put in work, knock 'em down. Rinse and repeat. That's what we do. What are your goals on S32?

Karen Albright Lin


I teach screenwriting and book-to-script on cruise ships and at conferences and retreats.

I write screenplays in a variety of genres: Paranormal suspense, dramedy, comedy, horror, romantic comedy, sci-fi farce, suspense thrillers. I've had one short produced and have done script doctoring and writer-for-hire work. I write both feature length:

and shorts: screenplays have been honored with over a dozen awards -- regional, national, and international - from first place to place

I recently had another offer on one of my scripts from a lead on InkTips; unfortunately, though the director thought it was a "festival" dramedy script, his investors were only willing to offer a small amount flat out purchase instead of the option I suggested... they'd "rather go with a more sure fire zombie flick."

I write in a number of other genres, award winning novels, memoirs, shorts, essays, paid blog column, ghostwriting, and nonfiction. I have a literary cookbook that has gained a lot of traction, even contracted until the photographer backed out because the co. wasn't offering enough pay for the many photos required -- probably the only thing that couldn't be made into a screenplay! Or maybe shorts on line on cooking in leaves! :)

I'd be happy to let any of the director/producers at Stage 32 consider any of my work.

Derrick Reed Jr.

Hey Shawn!

Shawn Speake

You're awesome, Karen Albright Lin! I'm like, wow. And you're right around the corner in Colo. I suggest u enter S32 Screenplay contests or pitch. Depending on your strengths. How's your vocal presentation?... About your doctoring, I have a screenplay, MAD MOUNTAIN MASSACRE, my THELMA AND LOUISE on steroids, going to my script doctor Danny Manus soon. Would you do me the honor of being the first woman to beat up Act One? If not, no worries. Totally understand.

Always here for U!

Karen Albright Lin

Hi Shawn,

One can't go wrong with a stong woman story right now.

Thank you for the compliment! I normally charge 85$ / hour to do script doctor work, but since you are a member of the Stage 32 community, I'd be happy to do your Act I for $60 / hour. How much time it will take depends on how much need it has. If you only want global / developmental comments I doubt it would take longer than a couple of hours. If interested, you can email me directly at

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