Just wanted to say hello to everyone, and everyone who has recently joined. I haven't been on in a while, but wanted to introduce myself and say that whatever it is you are working towards, I wish you the best and keep going. I have been working on my Documentary for 7 years and I have an amazing team now who believes in the project. We should hopefully have it completed in the next 6 months. There have been times when I had no support and no energy or heart left to move forward, but I kept going. No matter what it is that you are passionate about keep the faith...and keep the faith in yourself. Keep building.
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Great! What is your story about?
My best friend from High School who was murdered in 1987 and the abuse before that.
this is our link. Thank you for asking about it. http://www.ihadanamedoc.com/
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Welcome to Stage 32!
Thank you Maurice.
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A lovely message, thank you. And, Welcome.
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Hi Dana and Welcome! Hope the seven years slog soon turns to fruition of project.
Thank you Robert, and thank you Debbie, it's looking very positive :)
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Such a lovely post, thank you! Happy you stuck with your project to see it realised
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Good Luck Dana, your perseverance will pay off.
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Hi Dana! Keeping the faith is soooo important! This is certainly the place to find support when you need it! Best wishes for finishing the doc soon!
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Thanks you guys!! Good to meet you all :)
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While I am a technical writer turned screenwriter, I need to start researching creation of the Documentary. Do you have any links, resources, ideas, books? I searched Stage 32 - your post was all that popped up(!) So THANKS again.
Jack I’m sorry I don’t. Mine started a certain way which was very backwards from the weather it’s probably supposed to be done but it is what it is and it was turned around and is going in the right direction now. I did not know when I started that was actually going to become a documentary. I’m sorry I wish I could help more you can Google many things and find stuff on the Internet that’s basically how I had to do it but I don’t have any of that information any longer. @wayne It’s very nice to meet you.
If you need music for your documentary take a look at my work www.zavisin.com