Hey all,
My name is David Boller and I'm a storyboard, graphic novel artist, and animator, producer, director, publisher and many things more from Switzerland (after 20 years in the USA). Been on Stage 32 for years and made quite a few connections but not been as active lately as I wished I had.
Working currently on animation for a TV documentary and after this is done next week I will start production on my next project SKY GODZ. An anime-style scifi series (season 1 with 6 episodes) about the dawn of mankind and lost civilizations. Imagine "Ancient Aliens" meets " Game of Thrones". I will need to cast some of the character voices. So if you're a voice actor (need males and females, language will be English), please feel free to send me a link to your reel and a short note with rates.
Nice art work
Thanks, Reggie, appreciate it.
Thanks, Aurora. PM sent.
This looks really good. The art is crisp and I love the premise.