I am a writer and producer shooting a four minute short/scene from narrative feature script. Casting is driving me crazy - because while I'm not willing to substitute talent for tastemakers, I need actors not adverse to a little self promotion as we raise the funds for the feature. Anyone know of an affordable casting director here in LA? I need solid actors, one female and one male, between the ages of 35 - 45 who can create on-screen chemistry (though there is NO nudity or sex in this scene.) I would love advice and will help each other . Open to all ethnicities.
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Hey Larissa, you may want to gather a savvy online production team to crowd fund and raise the budget, generally actors don't self promote, when I acted I always did but, when I moved into filmmaking the actors in my films rarely promoted the film, shame I'm not in LA for the male role :{ Jay Croot
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We're not crowd funding either the short or the feature. So, at least for the short, I'm not interested in working with unknown actors who refuse to engage in a little self-promotion. If you have a solid resume and recognizable face, then my equity partner would probably spring for an outside publicist to work on the short (as well as the feature). And certainly we wouldn't consider hiring a
actors from the short to work on the feature if they're not willing to promote the project.
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An idea would be to hire to well established actors for your short/scene via a good casting director you can find a list in the Ross book, if the actors you hire are well established they probably won't promote your film, but you wouldn't need them to a named actor(s) name is all you require to get the ball rolling and help get investment, you don't need to use the same Actors for the feature that you have in your short/scene,, you would attract bigger actors if your film was funded and had a big budget and was on IMDB, a casting director can get you names but you may find yourself getting frustrated if you expect them to promote your film, because generally they won't and certainly if they are named, I hope this helps.