I'm thinking mainly books. On screenwriting, not on screenwriting, doesn't matter. Just if you think it's beneficial and a good read for a screenwriter to learn from. Please feel free to add in blogs or other resources as well. With the contributions of many, maybe a pretty good list can be compiled.
My fave is "The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters" by Karl Iglesias .
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All the Blue Books from William C. Martell.
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-on mythology:
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers
Bulfinch's Mythology by Thomas Bulfinch
-on screenwriting:
500 Ways to Beat the Hollywood Script Reader by Jennifer Lerch
-one I read recently on storytelling writing in general. I'd say it wasn't that bad and I think it's not that well known.
Story Engineering by Larry Brooks
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Syd Field's The Foundations of Screenwriting The Foundations of Screenwriting is one that's on most academic screenwriting courses.
James Patterson - KILL ME IF YOU CAN.... Best book I ever read and i love his style. Also helped me get my screenwriting style together. LOVE James Patterson
Happy holidays, Frankie! Luv your post. Let's get a feel for where you're at so i can help you better. Did you know there are two art forms we must master to go pro? The Art of Screenwriting AND the Art of Storytelling. Were you aware? No right or wrong and no worries. Your answer will lead me to the next question on how to help u to the next level.
Thanks, Shawn, and same to you. I've been writing for a bit over ten years and mainly write features. I'm always looking to learn wherever I can and continue to improve my craft. I got an idea of what you're talking about but haven't heard it quite like that. I imagine screenwriting is in reference to how the script reads on the page: style, execution, etc. And storytelling refers to structure, plot, etc. But please do continue, happy and appreciative to hear you elaborate.
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I'm currently reading "The Writer's Journey" which is pretty insightful thus far; it's essentially a study of "The Hero With A Thousand Faces".
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My main forte is television in it's broadest sense. If you want a step-by-step process book - check out 'Automatic Pilot'. I know the author and he says it's really good. http://www.billtaub.com/automatic-pilot/
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maas - not an obvious pick, I know, but so much good stuff about storytelling: from hooks, to deep characters, to stakes, to theme. Great stuff!
Hey Shawn, hope to hear back from you still.
And thanks to everyone who contributed to the list and anyone who still may. I'm definitely going to be checking out some of these titles.
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"Anatomy of story" by John Truby.
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I don't know if anyone already mentioned it, but Stephen Kings "On Writing" is a personal favorite of mine.
I am reading Blake Snyder's 'Save The Cat' and it's amazing!
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LOVE Stephen King's On Writing. I also found "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days" by Viki King extremely useful. It was a recommendation from a trusted mentor. I read it twice. Good, practical advice.
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"I'll be in my Trailer"--John Badham & Craig Modderno.
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The best book I have read, and truly helped me to clean up my draft, was "Your Screenplay Sucks, and 100 ways to make it great" by William M. Akers - which was suggested by someone here on Stage32; I bought it and never looked back!