Anyone know anyone who happens to have an Arriflex Sr2 Sr3 or 416 sitting around collecting dust... I'm getting ready to direct our first super16 shoot and it would be a huge relief on the budget to find a camera cheaper (or free) compared to most rental houses... Any ideas?
You can pick them up relatively cheap on Craigslist. Most gear sitting in the case ten years has bad power supply and needs a good cleanup and service. Rental house rates are not so bad, all things considered... you get reliable kit. You might find privately owned kit on ShareGrid... very popular gear source with indie types in L.A., not sure if it is well received in your market.
I'm wondering that, too.
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You don't shoot on film to save money, you shoot on film to get a certain look to your finished work. DP's that regularly shoot film have already done the math showing how film is not prohibitively more expensive. Editing can actually be easier as you don't have all the foolishness of shooting every blocking and rehearsal "in case". You also tend to shoot the angles and takes you need instead of absolutely everything. Digital can be an editor's nightmare.
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People tend to shoot film for the aesthetic. Everything has a cost. People tend to choose where to spend their own money on their own film. What JD said about overshooting is absolutely correct. People who learn filmmaking on a budget shooting negative tend to get much more precise footage then people trained in the digital era. There is a forced work style that has a distinct benefit. Overshooting and coverage for the sake of coverage are one of my biggest pet peeves. Which is why I try to bring a film disciplined workstyle to digital projects. In any case there are many reasons to shoot film other than money or lack thereof.
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Thanks for the input everyone! I knew ahead of time the cost of shooting on film and I knew I wouldn't be saving any money by doing that. I just figured if anyone had the equipment personally I could save the money on rentals and instead be able to put the money towards more stock. Its all worked out tho we got a good deal on an sr3 rental.
Very cool, Garrett!! I would very much like to see how it turns out, as well as get some of your feedback on your experience shooting on 16mm. I have always been interested in shooting a feature on 16mm.
I assume you've resolved this in the time since you posted but if in the future you're looking for someone who owns a film camera in your area who might rent it to you cheaper than a rental house, check out the listings people have on KitSplit. Most stuff listed is in New York and LA but there's plenty elsewhere. I just sourced some stuff in Philly for a shoot I'm producing there: