I've used Virtual Pitchfest in the past, BUT
Having just searched through a list of 50 of the companies supposedly looking for "family" films, the great majority have no web presence, or seem to be comprised of a bunch of kids with video equipment. I'm beginning to think that Virtual is less than it seems. And the listed names of the companies almost make it impossible to search them to better ascertain exactly what they are (without paying to belong to IMdb site), such as a company simply listed as "Original Film" or "Octagon".
Well I'm a fan of VPF as they are the cheapest of the pay-to-players, less than 10 bucks a pop if you take advantage of their frequent specials. And I've lost track of how many script reads I've obtained this year via VPF (all legit people within the industry).
On the down side, they don't always keep their lists updated in a timely fashion. I've seen some lag when industry folk change jobs, for example (something that happens a lot, it seems), and in one case, there's someone who has essentially been out of the biz for a couple years still listed.
In regard to finding out about the companies or people, yeah, you have to do the legwork yourself, but Google works pretty good for me on that account.
Eric, can you share anything about the format of your successful VPF pitches? Sounds like they want it very short and sweet, with a few sentences about theme and essential plot points. Did you say anything about size of cast, special effects requirements, etc?
I sent one company I had a read through VPF another script. They then said if they were interested they would want $1500 to assist with pitching costs. I notice they're not on VPF anymore.
Hi, Dylan: In answer to your questions, nearly all of my successful pitches provided a detailed synopsis, maxing out on the characters VPF allows per pitch. (It's my understanding that some industry folk hate that, but others clearly don't.) I'll often indicate what happens in what act. I've never discussed cast size or special effects, but I have estimated the overall budget range from time to time, particularly when I'm relying on a paid industry reader's estimate, because they'll be better at budget estimates than myself. Sometimes I'll provide a couple of comps, sometimes not. Hope this helps!
Thank you! This is very helpful info.
Anybody score any options via VP?
Not yet, Unc, but I've found a producer who has approached a financier with my script and another producer who will shortly with another script. There are lots of solid people listed on that site. (Others, it's hard to say how legit they are, at least from outside LA.)
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Eric: Best of luck with those ventures in the new year.