Happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to all!
What concrete changes do you commit to make this year to improve your careers?
Happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to all!
What concrete changes do you commit to make this year to improve your careers?
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Happy New Year, you guys!
Thanks, Al. Anything new, beside the year?
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I had the great good fortune to discover Stage 32 several years ago, and though I took a couple of years off to work on other projects, I'm going to get back into the cycle of writing and pitching armed with all the valuable knowledge I learned from all the good people on this site.
Sounds like a great plan. All the best, Mike
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Hi Annie! And happy new year to you...The first change I’m attempting is putting the mobile down and switch TV off for at least two hours a day - and see what happens... :)
Excellent first steps, Martina
I'm retired - so I've already had my career. Now I've got the time, knowledge and understanding of how it all works. This year I'm going to concentrate on two Oscar bait FL scripts. No more, no less. Best wishes to you for a productive and happy new year.
Thanks Doug, what is an Oscar bait FL script? Sounds very ambitious and I wish you all the best.
I'm making a commitment to finally get through all of my revisions. If that can be accomplished, I'll have three scripts to get things moving and shaking.
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Vitaly - what you say about connections is very true - I'm fortunate in that I've made a few over the decades and a few of them are still alive. It's taken years to develop and I cherish those connections dearly. That's why I always advise the young wannabes to quit hiding behind their hi-tech gadgets: Get out there, belly-up to the bar and do a little gland-handing - get up close and personal. Work it!
Annie, FL = feature length (I've spent to much time writing shorts.) Oscar bait means a script that is so compelling, complex and alluring that it attracts 'A' listers like flys to honey. Over the years, I've worked on films that have been awarded Oscars; but never one for myself. I'm gonna give it a try this year.