Screenwriting : Employment by Cobi Noblin

Cobi Noblin


Hey everyone, I graduated from Film School about half a year ago and am finding it is almost impossible to find ways to make money writing. I was wondering if anyone knew of any job posting boards or ways to make a start as a paid screenwriter.

Doug Nelson

Cobi - I and a couple of others in this forum have been staff writers in the TV environment at one time or another and that's about as close as you can get to being a paid writer - It ain't a glamorous job. Screenwriters are basically self employed; we write spec scripts and hustle to sell 'em. And once we sell a few, it generally gets easier. Maybe you can find a job as an editor and work on rewriting and polishing someone else's work but I seriously doubt that you'll find any such job offered as an entry level position. Best of luck to you in any case.

Dan MaxXx

You can start working in mailrooms at talent agencies. they are always hiring. Ask your school teachers for a hookup. they should know someone in the biz. I was 18 and interned at The Cannon Group (golan and gobus). Learn to do coverage, then advertise you are a professional script consultant and charge $$$.

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