If you want to play it safe. Better than WGA registration is sending it to the Library of Congress for a copyright. But read: http://www.sellingyourscreenplay.com/screenwriting-faq/how-do-you-protec... After that I would not strart with paying the full price sending to script doctors, but ask Stage32 people if they want to take the time to read x pages of your screenplay.
Cheers for the advice, I really appreciate it, I'm very new to it all and just learning the ropes, once its registered/copywritten do you just post it on here for people to look at?
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If you want to play it safe. Better than WGA registration is sending it to the Library of Congress for a copyright. But read: http://www.sellingyourscreenplay.com/screenwriting-faq/how-do-you-protec... After that I would not strart with paying the full price sending to script doctors, but ask Stage32 people if they want to take the time to read x pages of your screenplay.
Cheers for the advice, I really appreciate it, I'm very new to it all and just learning the ropes, once its registered/copywritten do you just post it on here for people to look at?
Yes, you write a suitable logline and post your screenplay.
I've suggested this before, but Talentville is a good place to start for newbs. www.talentville.com?ref=8e073157
Thank you, I'll definitely check it out.