Hello everyone. I am extremely new to the film industry. I woke up one day in October and decided to write a movie. I completeld the story portion of the film in one week. That's when i realized i needed to write a screenplay. The screenplay was a fun, exciting, stressful experience. I finished it in late December and now want to embark on the pre production part of bringing my story to life.
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Billy, first WELCOME ABOARD! Secondly, Just WHAT are you doing for the "pre-production" part? How are you sure the script is where it needs to be? I would seek a writer or producer to read it - many charge reading fees, because it's their work and time - heck I offer that service, but it's not free, though I will usually work within a budget. I even offer notes. However, that is only for people who want to hear the truth, as constructive as possible. But, my point is show it to someone. You don't just up and write a script and go get funding. If it was that easy, everyone would do it. There's a great scene in Get Shorty where John Travolta and Delroy Lindo - two GREAT actors - sit and talk about how easy it is to write a script. Still, to this day, one of the best written and acted scenes in all of film. But, a lot of people feel that way. You need to make sure this script is in the BEST SHAPE IT CAN BE. And, since you finished it in late December and I haven't heard about feedback or rewrites or tweaks in the two months that followed, it doesn't sound like the writing process is done. Especially if this is your first script. NOW, I'm NOT saying this to hurt you or discourage you in any way. I'm saying it to educate you. I've produced 13 pictures, including a short that I wrote and directed that qualified for the Academy Awards. I have filmmaker and actor friends that have won Oscars. You don't just up and write a script and go into pre-production. Please show it to someone whose opinion - not a family member - you trust. I offer very cheap rates to often help young filmmakers, but again, I won't do it for free. But, you can easily find a writer/filmmaker who offers these services. Find out what your script is like first. THEN, find an experienced producer who can help you market it - even IF you know what money people you are approaching - close your money people and attach cast. It CAN BE DONE, but you still have to take the proper steps and do it RIGHT. GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! ;)
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Thank you Sam. How is it going? To answer your question, i have had a couple of people read it. One person is an award winning writer, producer and director based in DC. I have gotten plenty of positive feedback. This isn't a project I'm sending to Hollywood but one that i am going to produce and direct locally with my oversight.
As far as funding, my budget is in the $20,000-$25,000 range. I'm shooting it locally and most of the scene locations are free due to my connection in town. This is not a major motion picture but will be of quality, visually and more importantly sound wise. In the two weeks i been raising money in the form of donations, not from investors, i raised $3000 so far.
My pre production steps so far ar scouting locations, dont that already. I have back up plans for the ones i can't lock down. I wrote down all the scene locations, props needed and characters for each scene. All my locations, except two, i got 'soft yes' that i can film there free of charge. Im friends with the mayor of my town so i will reach out to him about permits. I have a meeting with a director and a production assistant tomorrow. 30% of my cast is filled. I still need the two main characters though and I'm not settling for anything.
I'm just trying to do something positive for my city and put the city on a screen. Money isn't motivation for this particular project.
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Welcome, Billy. Its sounds like you have done some of the important things in your pre-production, but I would echo some of Sam's advice also. Going from a draft of your very first feature screenplay to pre-production within 3 months sounds rushed to me. Maybe you're a prodigy; maybe you've written the rare exception to the rule, i.e. your got it right on your first go - but I urge caution. At the very least I would get some actors together for a table read and see what it sounds like out loud. It might help you make some last minute tweaks. Your emphasis on "sound" suggests to me that your film is of the art-house type, though. Is that correct? Maybe if there isn't much dialogue then you don't need a table read. Whatever the case, I wish you the very best. And again, welcome. :)
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Hi Billy, welcome and good luck with your production, there is plenty of support on here. Adam
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Hey everyone! time to rock and roll !!!! Awesome meeting great people and ideas!!! #itstime
Thanks everyone
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Congratulations. That's awesome!
Hey Phil, thank you for your input. I appreciate it! And yes it is aimed at a niche market. It focuses on the trials and tribulations that the majority of us from the inner cities deal with and the challenges of making it out successfully. I feel it can be universally accepted because too.
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That is awesome! Congrats!
Embarking on a similar journey