Hey folks! How's everyone? I'm looking for some new layout designs for call sheets and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas? Of course you know, Movie Magic does not generate a callsheet and so I've created mine on Excel. But the layout is so drab and boring and I want to spruce it up a little. Please send any links to any ideas you have or have found. Thanks a bunch!
Have you tried Google images to see if there are any examples?
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They would be MUCH more effective if you scented them with perfume - Don't you think?
Thank you Pamela... ❤️❤️❤️
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Call sheets are really nothing more than the day's shooting 'inventory and work order' that began back in the early days of telephone service. Mary Pickford's phone number was 4168 (I think) - it's an outdated term that has been with us ever since. It's best to keep as simple as possible to avoid confusion during a shoot. Your creativity is better applied to your film. Your organizational skills are more suited to things like call sheets and script tagging. Keep it simple.
Many ADs have built their own template. Ask around, many will share. You really want to stay in standard 2-sided format with the different types of pertinent contacts, location, nearest hospital, crew parking, weather and sunrise/sunset info in the general parts of the sheet where they always are found...BTL is on the back. Something very new / different may be confusing or missing info. And never post talent's phone numbers, only crew. Some people still list Thomas Guide co-ordinates for location- not an awful idea if your nav goes out...assuming you have a Thomas Guide.