I'm working on a project and I'd love your input. If there was a resource (book, course, etc.) that covered the business aspects of being an actor, what questions would you want/need/like to see in there?
I'm working on a project and I'd love your input. If there was a resource (book, course, etc.) that covered the business aspects of being an actor, what questions would you want/need/like to see in there?
Eric, reach out to me and I will do my best to address in a private message.
Derek, That's a good thing right? Means it's working its way on to the conscience of everyone. ;) On a funny note, when I'm on a business call with an actor or producer or someone and I forget to say that at the end - it rarely happens, once in a while - they call me out on it. They are so used to it! LOL - Thanks so much for the comment ... Made me smile. :)
Denis Laveck, as an agent, who do you represent? What's your agency name? And what's this about a trading platform - what has that got to do with acting or being an agent?
lol Denis isn't writing in correct English so I doubt he is an "agent". (and I've only had 5 years of English)
Probably another "financier" looking for somebody to pay his upfront fees.