Your Stage : Network With Your Community, San Francisco! by Mark E. Sackett

Mark E. Sackett

Network With Your Community, San Francisco!

Network With Your Community, San Francisco!

The Art of Active Networking is a community of givers, who give of their resources freely to help one another do better.

We want to help you live your passion! So we teach a method of networking through giving, called #MYGIVE4, to enable people to give of their resources freely to others and get more in return. Together we can accomplish much greater things than we ever could on our own.

#MYGIVE4: Give freely of your

1. Ideas & talent (Offer advice)

2. Time (Volunteer)

3. Money (Donate)

4. Network Referrals (Recommendations)

Our next San Francisco event is on May 7th at The Box SF (1069 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103) from 6:45PM - 9:45PM


Be Well, Be Creative, Be Great, Be Giving!

Mark E. Sackett (415) 602-9500

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