Introduce Yourself : I've been from one side of this galaxy to another and I've seen alotta strange stuff.... by Jai Dixit

Jai Dixit

I've been from one side of this galaxy to another and I've seen alotta strange stuff....

Hello there! My name is Jai Dixit and I'm a really fine screenwriter and a good director (and reluctantly a line producer) with an awarded background in areas of various sorts: editor, concept artist, soundtrack mensch and even paid work as a film critic/writer.

I am currently looking for a PRODUCER, who knows money - - how to find and/or raise it as well as how to best spend it, both in the private sector or in the established world.

My first feature as writer/director/reluctant exec. producer, IT ALL HAPPENS INCREDIBLY FAST, a festival favorite and multiple award-winner, secured distribution in the US and Canada, had a brief but critically and financially successful theatrical run, played for 18 months on SuperChannel (where, I've heard, it was quite popular), is currently available for a time on YouTube (in full for free -- go take a look and write some nice comments).

I currently have 3 ready-to-go screenplays as my next feature (with false starts on each - - I'm tired of those frustrations) and another 3 scripts almost in a state I consider "presentable" with a decent proposal package (and some possible casting already in place and waiting....)

Contact me if you are serious and not some jackass: or / cell: 416 305 4401


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