Introduce Yourself : Introduce myself :) by Apeiron Eau

Apeiron Eau

Introduce myself :)

Bonjour à tout.e.s! hello everyone.! I am just a motion graphic designer and vfx artist.. i have been around for over 10 years... worked in London and in Istanbul. I am in Bordeaux now and doing some short animation film and trying to learn French :) 

Merci et bon journée ...

Anu Deshpande

Hi.. Welcome and all my best wishes!

Adam Harper

Hello and welcome :-)

Steve Hamm

Hello Apeiron. Welcome. French is a great language

Chad Stroman

Welcome! or should I say Bienvenue! (Je ne' parle pas francais.)

Cherelynn Baker


Apeiron Eau

Merci a tout.e.s :) Je parle trois langues.. I do speak English also.. so no wories:)

Debbie Croysdale

Hi and welcome Apeiron. Do you do comics and transmedia stuff?

Apeiron Eau

Indeed I do

Allen Lynch

Hello & Welcome Apeiron!

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