It's the end of May and heading into the second half of 2018. Where are you at with your screenwriting goals?
I'll get the ball rolling. I've written two comedies, and I'm about to write a new drama script. I've got a few scripts being shopped, recently won a film festival and am in talks with a network television star about writing him a comedy script. However, deep inside I still think I could be doing more.
So, what have you been up to?
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I've been working on my next book, polishing a pilot I wrote last year, working on the treatment for a spec script, and beginning to develop a couple potential pilot ideas. I'm not quite to my goals but going to work because taking some steps forward is better than none at all!
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I've just completed a short story for a course I'm in the middle of, next I'm going to start a new screenplay based on an idea I've been working on for a while. This will be my seventh full length screenplay and I have a good feeling about it.
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Great question and thanks for asking! 2 features written and 2 episodic tv shows (not to 100 episodes though!) Keep up the writing!
This year has been somewhat uneventful as opposed to 2017. I just posted Perish, my Horror Feature, am working on the last revision of a Novel adaptation, about 25 pages through my first Comedy Feature and 25 pages though a Space Western. This year I want to try to turn my attention to Short form and Television.
This year has been about spreading the word, which I have done pretty well at so far. Last year I had three nominations, all in Britain. This year, six so far, across two continents, as well as landing representation.
I have 4 going to investors, 3 of which were written this year. I also have registered 3 treatments
Well, I'll limit myself to this week: Got an inquiry about the rights availability of a script of mine from a production company that's expressed interest in that script off and on for about 18 months now, and yesterday got into the second act of the WIP, writing 2.5 pages on a ten-hour flight to Japan. (Also watched Three Billboards during the flight, liked everything but the ending.)
Working on a 10 episode drama, working on a 1/2 hour comedy and piecing together some other ideas
Just completed an Action/Thriller and submitted it to several contests. Working on my next idea while waiting for the feedback.
Went to see a bunch of pretty good films in a short period of time Beast, Zama, Sollers Point. Subscribe to IMDB (on to-do list). Seeing my own themes in Zama made me want to treat my characters a little more kindly and pull a few punches (and knives). The audience can only take so much.
How do promote my novel to a film
I've been writing since 2009 (challenged by a friend in the industry when he needed a screenwriting partner) and while I have one that was produced which he worked on, (DELIRIUM) we have yet to get one of our pet projects, a drama, produced. Fingers crossed that it may change in the next year or so. He's pitched a screenplay we wrote together back in 2011 to a BAFTA winning actor he's been working with, and he's interested in the lead. We're about to rewrite it to tighten it up and see if we can get something going. On a recent trip to Beijing, he also sparked some interest for the story with the manager of someone he used to work for. Meanwhile I'm waiting to hear about two other scripts I wrote with and for Johnny Martin. One is optioned by David Ranes (SOUTHPAW and THE BUTLER ) and the other, an action film called THE PACKAGE, is being pitched to companies by Johnny. Busy times but not much to show for it yet so...I better get back to work!