Success Stories: JUN'1 The Benefactor!

Patricia Poulos

The Benefactor!

Hi everyone!

Just won 'Best Screenplay Feature' Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival 2019. Although until the Awards Night, I am titled 'Finalist'.

Alicia Norman

That is amazing Congrats!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Derek and Alicia for taking the time.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Wayne.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Anthony

Alicia Norman

No problem girl--keep working it, it's your time to shine!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Alicia.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Tomislav. Most grateful.

Sameer Nigam

Congratulations !!!!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Sameer.

Howard Johnson

Cool. Congrats!

Allen Lynch

Congratulations Patricia!

Alicia Norman

Dude Patricia rawks! Cold killin' it--excited for her!

Mitch Brennan

Well done Patricia. Congratulations.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Howard.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Allen.

Patricia Poulos

Alicia. Thank you. Your support is so greatly appreciated.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Mitch.

Martina Cook

Well done Patricia! :)

Natalie Farst

That is awesome news!!! Congrats on your win!!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Martina.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much, Natalie

Patrick Peter

Congratulations, Patricia!

Raymond Zachariasse


Linda Hullinger

Congratulations, Patricia!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Peter.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Raymond.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Linda.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Who's better than you? Terrific.

Patricia Poulos

Thanks Steven.

Jacquelijn Van Ammers

Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!

Patricia Poulos

Yes indeed, Stanley. Thank you.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Jacquelijn.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Patrick.

David Heavener

congrats Patricia!

Malcolm White

an inspiration to all....

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Malcolm.

Christian Conte


Alessandro Machi

Ah, I get to be the contrarian. Is it possible you are labeled a finalist so that the night of the awards there is some drama, but they chose to let you know so that you would be sure to show up?

Sameer Nigam

Congratulations Patricia !!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Christian.

Patricia Poulos

As I have commented before - I love this site. It makes me laugh.

Thank you Alessandro. I love your concept.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Sameer.

Flora Cheng


Linwood Bell

Congrats to you, Patricia!

Emily Isaacs

That's fantastic - well done!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Alessandro and Stanley. Already received 'Winner" Certificate. But I do thank you. Even then, prefer naivete over pessimism.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Flora.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Mark.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Linwood. Grateful.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Emily.

Martin Xavier

Congrats Patricia

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Martin.

Sara Dee

Big congratulations! I hope you celebrate well during the event. You'll have a ball !! If or when you're allowed, do share the title of the winning feature.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Sara and Thank you. The script is titled "The Benefactor".

Hope this isn't too much, but here also, is the Logline:

A successful businesswoman in a fight to save her nation assumes farmers' debts and makes interest-free loans as Banks, Loan-Sharks and Government come in for the kill.

Thank you for your interest.

Mike W. Rogers

Congratulations, Patricia! Sorry it took me so long!!

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Michael and welcome to my network.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Stanley.

Constance York


Patricia Poulos

Thank you Constance.

Mark Mccoy


Patricia Poulos

Thank you Mark.

Jack Goldenberg

That's very exciting. Congrats.

Patricia Poulos

What a lovely message. Thank you so much Kathryn.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you so much Jack.

Patricia Poulos

Oh my goodness Mark. That is so sad if true. I've had my own experiences with the Black List which is why I no longer belong. They classified my thriller/fantasy Comedic and, rated it a 4. I complained and it was reread and appropriately classified but still only rated a 4. It has gone on to win a number of awards two recently and hopefully this year it'll be picked up and made into film.

Patricia Poulos

Mark, hidden away in your message is the fact that you have almost completed a sale of your script to Millennium Films. What an awesome achievement. Congratulations!! - The best!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Terrific Job!

Patricia Poulos

Congratulations Kathryn. I'm sure you'll do well.

Sy Shanti


Chad Stroman


Patricia Poulos

Deborah you were removed from the network and from my site. I'm sorry. No further communication is possible. Thank you for your interest and your endeavours.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Clare.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Sy and thank you.

Patricia Poulos

Thank you Chad.

Raymond Zachariasse

Moderator, can Deborah Gail Stallings be blocked? She is spamming.

Lisa Vandiver


Beth Fox Heisinger

Deborah, Gail Stallings will be suspended.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Raymond, Thank you. Site removed her, then I deleted her and she kept coming back. Perhaps you're right.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Lisa and Thank you.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Beth and thanks. Guess this answers our questions.

Patricia Poulos

Hi Beth, it appears Raymond is correct. Most of my bio is now scrambled in Resume. Can you help with this. I don't think I've recorded it all elsewhere.

Raymond Zachariasse

Patricia, I am right. I get many of these requests. Usually the profiles are empty or filled with ads about loans. It has nothing to do with movies and that should give you a hint. Also how she's ignorning questions and just focussing on the loans.

Raymond Zachariasse

Patricia, if it happens again, Beth is usually the one to contact. She's pretty swift with her actions. Thanks Beth :)

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