Screenwriting : Fingers Crossed... by Vic Burns

Vic Burns

Fingers Crossed...

I had a pretty shitty birthday yesterday but woke this morning to a very welcome belated present.

I've had a script on the desk of a very successful writer/director/producer for a couple of months now. He's set up/sold over 40 scripts over the years including one spec that sold for $3M and never got made.

I'd kinda given up hope on him but today he emails me and tells me he loves it but his slate is full for a considerable period.

However, he's gonna recommend it to a couple of other producers and an agent with whom he is confident will respond well to the material. Given that he is Los Angeles and I'm in London and I was 47 yesterday I'm pretty made up. 2nd thing I've ever written.

Martina Cook

Fingers crossed Vic! (And happy belated birthday:) )

Chad Stroman

That is great news! Congrats!

Jean Buschmann

SWEET! Fingers crossed for you. Happy Belated, btw.

Solomon Thomas-El A.k.a "Piazza"

Awesome news!

Ashleigh Angel Nastassia Klein

HEMPPY BIRTHDAY Buddy!! Often, the day after is better than the day of...Good Work, getting your work seen and heard! Because your Birthday was not pleasant, perhaps, the Blessings are just coming in late! CHEERS, Jeannie420 The Diva Of Sativas #uswc

Chad Stroman

Was this for "One Man's Garbage"?

Vic Burns

Yup. (One Man’s Trash)

James Pappoe Jr

Happy belated Bornday, Vic. It will get done.

Denise Hurley

That's impressive. Good luck with it!

Anthony Moore


Christian Conte

Congrats and Happy Birthday!

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