Screenwriting : Getting Representation by Jennifer Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard

Getting Representation

I’ve been avoiding this for years in my book publishing career because I have attitude about traditional publishers and how they do things (plus I already had a platform and an audience so why get traditional representation?) but I know that to succeed as a Hollywood screenwriter, I’m gonna need representation. Totally new to even being open to this idea. (I’ve published 10+ books and just finished my first screenplay.) Can anyone give me some guidance or suggestions on where/how to start? Should I be pitching people? And if so, do I need a manager or an agent or both? I appreciate any insights/advice you may have. Thanks!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Hello Jennifer:

Traditional wisdom with screenwriters is that they need an agent or manager to further their careers. However, unless you have a top selling novel or a screenplay that has some buzz with industry folks, it's very difficult to secure an agent for the long haul. And, producers are often very project centered, meaning they're looking for a writer for one project. This doesn't mean you can build relationships with producers for a long-term relationship. I've been repped by an agent for a specific script and currently have a management agency repping a specific project concept. I've also secured a dozen options and right-to-shop agreements without representation. Recently, I managed to connect with a network television star on a current hit TV show via a trade advertisement. The net result is I'm currently working on a comedy feature script based on a concept he and his manager submitted to me several months back.

The main thrust of this post is to say that if you want be in the screenplay business, you may wish to consider pitching your own wares until such time as WME, CAA, ICM or UTA come calling.

Hope that helps.

Doug Nelson

There are a number of Literary Agents in the Hollywood market area that handle both book publishing AND screenwriters (my long term Agent does both.)

Laila Doncaster

Interesting Q&A - thanks to you both

Jennifer Blanchard

Wow—thanks everyone! This was a really good thread. Thanks for all the suggestions.

Raymond Zachariasse

I tried IMDbpro, but it didn' work. You don't get much extra for the money, unless you like to make lists and count having your photos on the IMDb as a pro. I think here on stage32 you can find more.

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