Hello Stage 32 members.
As we know Top Gun 2 is in the making and I am currently working on my short film dealing with AH-64 Apache attack helicopters (see picture). The plot is about pilots flying a combat tour and engage enemy air defense in order to pave the way for a medical evacuation. Everything will be shot in camera.
Since I have access to military hardware and trained personnel (such as pilots), I wonder if an Apache feature film is worthy enough to pursue? The Departmen of Defense would support the project.
In the 1990's, there was a movie named Fire Birds with Tommy Lee Jones.
Your thoughts are welcome.
Don’t forget that there is a wealth of Apache stock footage available for free from the military., including key combat footage.
Indeed, Erik. There is a webpage named DVIDS. I have to upload my b-rolls there. Best quality is H246 and I shoot ARRIRAW 3.2K. Plus I will shoot a lot of slow motion with these birds.
I love the idea. I now have a son that is in the National Guard that will be in the U.S. Army Infantry and he is constantly on Blackhawks but the Apache's are amazing helicopters. Good luck with the project.