We all have our reasons. What's yours? On your marks. Get set. SHARE!!!!
We all have our reasons. What's yours? On your marks. Get set. SHARE!!!!
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Because I love the visual way I can tell a story. It feels natural to me.
Robert- That"ll work!
I like solving mysteries!
Roberta- Hitchcock would have liked that. Dan- Really?
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Pamela- A very heart felt reason to spin a narrative with characters that make you happy. Best wishes.
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Well, I started writing in my school when I had a crush on one of my classmate and I didn't want to (or rather can't) say anything to him. Fortunately, crush couldn't last longer, but writing stayed.
Dan- Okay. Understood.
Kratika- It is amazing how many of us started from a romantic experience. Thank you for your share.
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Cuz I ain't got nothin' else to do.
Pamela- Makes perfect sense. WRITE ON!
Steven - Thanks to you too for the post. I'm glad I joined this portal.
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Kratika- Glad the fellowship is helping. I could not have finished my screenplays without their love and support.
Doug- That'll work.
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It was either screenwriter or International Playboy.
I can't play Baccarat so the playboy gig was a no go.
I love to share my experiences
Natalie- Through sharing our experiences we not only become better writers but better people.
Fiona-Grateful you got hooked.
Peter - "I'm sorry Sir, did not catch your name, Roach, Peter Roach".
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I guy came to me in 2012 and asked me to write a book. I said "No" and wrote a teleplay instead. And, the rest my friend is history.
Phillip- That is so cool!!