Hello fellow filmmakers. This is a topic I don't see addressed too often. Wether holding a local screening for the general public is blowing its "World Premier" status.
Details about my particular film. It's a feature length psychological thriller, made on a 30K budget with no known stars, it is also my first feature. We ran out of funds to complete post and our plan is to hold a premier screening accompanied by a fundraiser that evening to raise between 2K-3K to cover our remaining post expenses and towards festival submissions.
Some recent advice informed me that I'm blowing the "world premiere" status on this local screening which now has me questioning this decision. During researching film festivals I found that there was a lot of advice saying that "World Premier" status is overrated unless you are getting into the very high end prestigious festivals (Sundance, Toronto, Caan, SXSW, and such). I don't envision my film to be accepted into one of the big 5-10 festivals, so I wasn't concerned about this status. Am I wrong about this especially if I'm focused on 2nd tier festivals?
For a link to the trailer visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4luXinPXiw4&t=15s
Thank you,
Hi Nathan. I think you made a pretty good film from the trailer you shared. Well done!
Secondly, from my little experience in festival matters, I think the World Premiere status is truly overrated but let us take the word as it is and analyze your situation. You won't be selling off the World Premiere status if you are organizing a local screening sorely for the purpose of raising funds to finish your post. This is because I can tag the film as an incomplete film. Do what you have to do to finish your film and you won't be lying if you called it a World Premiere when it gets into its first festival after finishing your post.
I might also be able to help with your festival distribution. Goodluck.
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Thank you Tobi!!!
I highly recommend that you do not have a “World Premiere”. Many festivals including Sundance and Toronto will disqualify the film if it has premiered previously. You should look at the festival circuit and their qualifications. I might be wrong for what your intent is, but based on applications to festivals I believe it to be a bad idea. That does not negate a public screening for those involved in the production and financing. Just be careful about the wording and the Publicity so as to disqualify the film for the festivals.
The key thing is DONT put this release in your IMDB page and you might want to refrain from any public marketing of the screening, but definitely keep it off your IMDB page. As soon as you list it there it will show up as the release date of the film and that will impact everything from Festivals to your final sales and distribution. This specific issue impacts me as a sales agent and distributor all the time. You'll end up with IMDB telling the world you movie is 3 years old by the time it finally releases to the world.
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Nathan, your promotional trailer is good. But consider also to make a shorter version with a faster pace and quicker cuts and this is what you should show to potential distributors and SAs to get their attention. it's worth your time to explore your options and go to an upcoming AFM in November and shop for SA and even for finishing funds there. Don't worry to kill your deal with Tier 1 and Tier 2 festivals. The chances to get there like winning a lottery. You have a small indie film with no name actors and producers on board. So your chances with those festivals will be next to nothing. The rest of the playing festivals do not really matter, buyers do not care if you win small festivals. What they want to know : a genre and an execution.Talk to different SAs/Distributors at AFM and you will have a full picture of what this biz is all about and your chances to find home for your film. Good luck.