Good evening to all Stage 32 people. I thought I would reintroduce myself. I've been in the business for a very long time. Started out as an actor on stage for 10 years and then on to film & TV. After several roles on various features and TV shows; my main claim to fame was being the last actor to work with John Wayne on a short film called "Home For The SeaBees," broke into production eventually raising to producer. I formed Atomic Hollywood Productions, LLC and with 20+ scripts in my inventory, I have surged into development on several different projects. I am in conversation with several funding groups and hope to close a deal in the next couple of weeks. One thing I would like to know more about is filming in China as I have a super high budget action/adventure that would shoot partly in China and partly in the USA with scenes in Mexico and possibly Israel and Russia. So if anyone out there has that kind of information, contact me. I wish success to each and everyone out there. If you have questions about producing that I can answer, I am open to them.
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Carlo, What a resume! I'm curious about getting started in producing, but am not sure where to begin. I'm based in Oakland, CA. I have a few connections here, but am curious to learn of more.