Hello everyone.... I haven't really played on this site since I was encouraged to sign up. Today I was lead by something to show up. So... I'm just saying hello. I live and work in Vancouver but have been in care-giving mode in a "bi-coastal" way, going back and forth from Western Canada to Eastern Canada (PEI) for a few years. I have stories to tell, and am an actor/writer and a part time costumer in the film world. I'm currently trying to adapt a short story into a short film script. An interesting challenge! Hope you are all finding peace in your creativity.
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Play away. You'll love it here. Sending you an invite.
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Thanks James! Accepted your invite. :)
Hi Pamela! Thank you... It's an old, odd name... with a story. Ha. Nice to meet you. :)
Hi Trilby. Allow me to introduce myself... (see what I did there?)