Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter From New York City by Johnny Mann

Johnny Mann

Screenwriter From New York City

Greetings Everyone, I've( completed three screenplays in the genres of Inspirational Drama (a tear-jerker dealing with homelessness and overcoming adversity) a Crime Thriller (in the vein of "Training Day" and "Gone in Sixty Seconds"), and a hilarious Comedy. I've studied with veteran actors, JUNEY SMITH (E.R., Good Morning Vietnam, Lethal Weapon 2), GILBERT LEWIS (Don Juan De Marco, Electric Company), MIKE NESBITT(Contraband), Los Angeles Script Supervisor, K.C. CALLOWAY, Emmy Winner and Peabody recipient, LEE LEVINSON and Entertainment Lawyer, RAYMOND REED. My e-mail is above for contact. I'm currently working with legendary producer, Monty Ross on a project.

Wendy Kram

Hi Johnny, I like your email name as someone myself who loves subways. Your projects sound interesting.

Wendy Kram

Hi Johnny, I like your email name as someone myself from New York who also likes subways:) Your projects sound interesting:)

Johnny Mann

Wendy, I( would love for you to read my log line/synopsis/screenplay of "Where In The World Is Matthew Redstone?'. It is a story based on informal conversations I had with an elderly homeless man called "Matty" whom I met and befriended in a New York City subway station.

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