Producing : Business Partner? by Lynanda ODell

Lynanda ODell

Business Partner?

Every time I enter Stage 32 I feel like an intruder because I know nothing of the things ya'll know about and I am not trying to do all the things that ya'll are trying to do. I don't have a screenplay nor can I act although before my integration I had 28 different personalities so I must have some acting abilities in me somewhere. lol

I have gone as far as I can go with my part of the work on this docuseries. First off I lived the freaking 'story' and damn that should be enough in and of itself but as of yet no writers or producers have knocked down my door.

What I have learned to do with much effort, cuz I'm not computer literate - is put together a pitch deck - sorta - It's a presentation on why this docuseries is worthy. I put it on powerpoint and was able to convert to pdf. after 2 days of failed attempts but haven't conquered how to send it yet.

I have on powerpoint - what the docuseries is about, photographs of these real people and real locations showing authenticity. I have 8 seasons lined up each with a synopsis and character introductions.

I have spent many years putting this together and not only know do I know that it is good - I also know that it's needed currently in our society. There is such a diversity of topic explored that it's almost like being 'Roseanne' on

Point - I don't know what to do next so I thought - after reading Vasco Phillip de Sousa's post - that maybe I need a business partner who would do the writing as I do the storytelling - then together with my experiences and connections - paired with a partners writing expertise and connections ....that we could getter done, get this story complete, published and sold. We could both accomplish our goals. My goal is to get this story and information out to the public with the hopes of inspiring others as well as entertain them. As far as I know, a writer or producers goal is income. We can do it together.

If you have any constructive suggestions on how I can locate a writer or producer willing to partner with me - once they see my presentation. I watched many docuseries and read screenplays as suggested but I'm not gifted as ya'll are in this. What I did learn though is that this docuseries is as good if not better than most out there know. My daily mantra is 'If Boo Boo Honey can do it - You can do it!

Thank you very much and am looking forward to some inspiriting response!

Lynanda ODell

Thank you for responding to me. I like what you had to say and that's the type of dialog I need to engage in so that all my work can be put into presentable form.

The hook is that the viewer can empathize and connect to these stores because they are real. Once they begin to care about the characters they are naturally hooked by their emotions. Maybe the term is Docu-soap? People love a good villain and there are plenty of them in this series as well.

That is the problem exactly, How can I get someone to make the effort to see my powerpoint when the reasons for that are in the PP? I've tried to trim it down and I've gotten to the point if I trim any more it will lose all meaning. The logline and synapse are in the PP and you really need the characters and each season synapses for the project to really make an impact.

I do want to pitch my project and will give as much detail as necessary. I am not afraid anyone else taking advantage at all. In fact, I wish I could just put the whole PP on Stage 32, other sites, Facebook or any place that will get it viewed. No one can steal My Story, and you just can't make this stuff up.

I really appreciate your advise it's encouraging.

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Lynanda ODell , If you have a powerpoint, you almost have a webinar. You can tell people that you're holding a free webinar. Invite me to connect and message me with a time if you want me to see the webinar. I'm not normally into docusoaps, but who knows.

It's easier to see these on LinkedIn.

You can share powerpoints on LinkedIn, and some people can turn them into "explainer videos" for you. I think you can even publish it as an animation, and put it up on Youtube. (You can do that with a good screensaver anyway.) I sometimes do little jobs that that.

Also, there's a free course on writing for television on Coursera (run by MSU). It doesn't talk about all the nonsense, just gets straight to work. Other students review your work and give feedback, if you meet the deadlines (so hurry.)

They may help motivate you to get your pitch together.

Landis Stokes

Lynanda ODell I think Vasco Phillip de Sousa & Willem Lodewijk Elzenga have offered some great suggestions. For my 2¢, definitely work on your "elevator pitch," your ten minute pitch - practice on people who will be honest with you, network everywhere, and work like no one else will help you. (That's when someone zeros in on your drive and is inspired to help) See if there are any film students who can help you put together a sizzle reel / trailer to help promote your project to professionals.

Lynanda ODell

Thank you so very much for these suggestions. I will do this and I appreciate your time in sharing with me...I am wishing you great success in all your endeavors.

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