Introduce Yourself : New to stage 32 by Christina Funera

Christina Funera

New to stage 32

Hi, my name is Christina. I am just new to stage 32 and learning about this site and what to do next. I am a screenwriter and author. I am a cosmetology teacher as well. I currently just finished my first screenplay and would feedback on it. I am looking for professionals with feedback to continue to grow as a writer of fiction.

Adam Harper

Hi Christina, nice to meet you :-)

Christina Funera

Hi Adam, nice to meet you as well.

Debra Macking Mcdermitt

Nice to meet you.

Christina Funera

Hello nice to meet you as well

James Drago

You'll love it here. Sending you an invite.

Christina Funera

Thank you! I am new to this site and just learning the ropes.

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