Distribution : Web Series (!?!?) by Allie Rivera Quiñonez

Allie Rivera Quiñonez

Web Series (!?!?)

Hey there! I've released a few features but had someone ask us to do a web series with the promise of putting it on their platform and they they didn't really follow through.... (long, boring story I will save you from).

MOVING on...any suggestions on where to go from here? Short form content is not yet in my wheelhouse! I put it on Stareable here: https://stareable.com/series/view/moms-anonymous.

It is 10 episodes, mocu-comedy. It's super cute and would love to get some visibility?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions/direction!

Lourdes Trammell

This series is definitely super-cute, but, also, the cast is doing a fantastic job, great comedic timing. Few glitches in editing/sound. Are you looking just for exposure? What is your ultimate goal for the series?

Allie Rivera Quiñonez

Thanks Lourdes! Yes, mainly looking for exposure. We didn't have much of a budget, hence some of the sound issues, unfortunately... So exposure would be great--looking to either get this picked up by a bigger streaming giant as a series or get more work as creators by virtue of exposure/views...

Lourdes Trammell

Exposure/views is always the best way to get picked up later. What other platforms do you have? Just the one? Do you want it up on Vimeo and You Tube?

Tobi Ogunwande

Hi Allie, You could get in touch with Viddsee.com. They have a very strong community in South East Asia. Although they focus on only filmmakers from that region, I think they have recently expanded to receive contents from other parts of the world.

Also, Why don't you explore the film festival route too. There are a few festivals that would appreciate contents such as yours. That can get you a distribution deal if it gets seen by the right people. Good luck and well done

LaKesha Bellamy

I am accepting submission for my streaming platform. No third-parties. Submit content to bit.ly/2EvePbB

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