Is there away that I can get the most recent posts to the top?
I'll drop in and it will have a notice. "There are 7 new topics since your last visit"
They are not easy to find. But a 3 years old post about Final Draft - no problem. I know that if someone comments on something it brings it back to the top. That's fine. Is there anyway of switching this off rather than having to go hunting to find fresh topics.
I agree with you - it's getting to be pretty annoying.
Use to have a new thread AB on the top. There did awa with it.
I thought about asking the same question a month ago. These 'old-posts-on-top' is one of main reason I hardly visit these lounges. Before really asking I discovered old posts (probably) stay on top thanks to recent responses. It looks like a four year old post is re-activated and kept fresh as long as people respond. It looks like the system interprets the subject as 'popular' as responses keep going. Perhaps for good reasons, but I would like to make a choice in the menu: newly posted end/or most popular.
Hopefully, they'll sort it out. Heh-heh.
Would be nice to have the option to sort between new posts and recent comments.
not even 24 hours old and this thread is already on page2 behind threads that are months old. A perfect example. thanks everyone for your comments.
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You'd probably be better off emailing something like this to the tech/support people. You're like a really smart dude and all, and who knows a bit about dramatic elements like subtext, for example, right? You should also know that those people in charge of such things aren't always in the forums looking at posts. So why don't you give that a try, then. And you're welcome.
Thanks Bill. This started as a question. Did anyone know how to do it. I seemed to remember a function, but I assumed that I was missing something.
You're correct bill I should let them know. But I am an infrequent visitor here. I'll drop in for a while then disappear for months. I can now tell them to look at this thread. They can see that more regular users such as Doug are also annoyed.
There are a few things I'll ask for as well. Things that are common on other forums.
Thanks again Bill.
Some of the functionality has changed. You used to be able to block people but I don't think that exists anymore.
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Personally, I liked the old style format of S32 (from 2015 and before)... than the single newsfeed scroll.