Put a gun in room. It must be fired. Can't let the cat/dog outside? It will get outdoors. If the hero cannot swim, they must manage to make it into the H2O. If a missile exists, its launch sequence will start ticking down. Yadda, yadda, yadda Any more y'all???
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This is why I don't keep booze in da house. If there's a beer in da fridge, it will get drank.
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Or in da case of my drum teacher... if there's a doob in da studio, it will get smoked.
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Indeed Dan, foreshadowing. For example, in The Hangover, "Who let the dogs out" foreshadows 4 dudes seriously out of their kennels and off da f-king leash in da Vegas desert.
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The world is your oyster !! All the wealth of my chateau is yours to enjoy. You will live as a queen, bathing in wealth. Do whatever you want. There is only one tiny thing you can't do, you can't enter that chamber.. easy peasy - or... ? "Bluebeard" -- Grimm's Fairy Tales
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Raiders of the Lost Ark - Indy says he hates snakes in Act 1... so of course in Act 2, he gets tossed into a room full of deadly asps with no doors.
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Good call Eve (and Pamela)
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Brian: No offense to you, bro, and I know you can be a good guy, even if you have to be strapped into your drum stool and have a gun pointed at your head to play a straight 4/4 with no triplets or rolls...but the three cats, four birds, and assorted bees in my backyard just voiced No Objection to you Devil Drummers being banished to the bottom of the northeast side of the Canyon de Grande...the coldest part, of all places...those animals sure know how to pick 'em.
But the Animal Kingdom has spoken, and I never disagree with the Kingdom, cuz I"m just a simple commoner and like my life simple and common, and it's unfortunately (but not really unfortunately) out of my hands, bro. So pack your thickest long johns and plenty of canned Spam - and don't forget a can opener, and maybe some Vitamin C..... ..... C, and in a 4/4 beat...and with no triplets or rolls...
.....freaking drummers...always forgetting stuff, I swear...but really don't forget the can opener because......
.........God's Justice Bus for Devil Drummers picks you up at 3!
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If I was God (and that out of the mouth of Atheist --blasphemy!!) I would have taken a Panda bear instead of a snake, but I guess a snake still did the job -haha
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I've heard it argued by a professor who taught at The Bodhi Tree bookstore on Melrose that the fruit they ate was from the tree of wisdom... that they'd reached the glass ceiling of whom they could be until it was "eaten.
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Bill Costantini Now that'd make one hell of a "Tales from the Tourbus" episode by Mike Judge! Also, "Sticks? Drum sticks?? I don't need no stinkin' drumsticks! It's a poor workman who blames his tools. (said by the tool drummer in jest)
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Brian: I tried to have an argument with a professor at The Bodhi Tree once. Even before the argument started, he began bowing and told me he was sorry. And then he sprinkled some water over me..
I felt so bad, I bought one of those harmonically-balanced 18th century Singing Bowls for $300. He even threw in a wooden mallet and took $10 off the price if I bought two. Yeah, I know. Two for $590 and a wooden mallet. What a steal, right?
I really got the best of hmmmm.....wait a minute.....oh man...I think I got swindled by a swami. They weren't harmonically balancing Singing Bowls until the 19th century! Bad Buddha! Bad Buddha!
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Did we evolve or devolve from the Garden of Eden and its Wisdom Tree? Hmmm.... and Bill, remember Contact? "Why buy one when you can buy two at twice da price?" Military spending philosophy
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Brian: I'm a firm believer in Karma. What comes around, goes around. I got even with that swami when I was in Bangkok after that episode at The Bodhi Tree and snagged a little gold off the big toe of the Reclining Buddha at the Temple Wat Pho. And I got a great massage there to boot. So in that case, everything comes out in the.....hmm...wait a sec...that was before I went to The Bodhi Tree...not after....I guess that explains some things.....Good Buddha! Bad Bill!
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" We should stay together as a group. Buildi a team. Get organized. " WHo said you should call the shots. I'm better off on my own.. Laterrrrrrr. ........ ahhhh..." " Told you!" .
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Drummers? What the? I bet there's only 6 people in this thread that can do what I do on drums.
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Pamela: Thanks
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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal" Big fan of Tony Williams "Snake Oil" and "Fred" songs. Saw him in May of 1995 at The House of Blues on Sunset. Awesome stuff...
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Karma - to me - brings the scales of justice that must eventually balance evenly. In my experience, Karma deals justice better and more elegant than any revenge I could ever exact... so I respect it.
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Brian Shell: I saw Tony at the Santa Monica Civic around 1976/77 with Lifetime, which featured the late Alan Holdsworth. They were opening for Stanley Clarke (I think) and Tony appeared to get pissed off about something and walked off stage after about 30 minutes. I don't know if it was the sound quality or playing. But I loved his style, which was so unique. If you haven't seen this youtube video of a 1989 straight ahead jazz show with his quintet, I highly recommend it. Tony was in top form.
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No worries Owen. However, this thread about foreshadowing and "shards of glass" for protagonists. All I know is I've seen karma come go, and its concept keeps me honest.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrHdo-v9mRA - Exactly - No Sun - No feeding after midnight - No Water Ever!!!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKGbguoildA - Don't touch it...It's evil.... It will turn you into hermit crabs...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5InpLWh1mg - No one believed in Werewolves or Marty...Especially Silver Bullets to kill imaginary Werewolves...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS8I9H07wKw - They all told him to stay away from the water...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r1sP1wfQKg - Stay on the Path... Oh $hit were lost... !!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi3AVgzf52k Don't give Doctor Lecter access to a phone...
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVD3KPUnKHk - Don't take Miltons Stapler!!!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-0_sL5AAVQ - Don't Bet On it... But what choice do you have ...?
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I like it. Set-up and pay-off. :^}
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From my electrical engineering, there are no magnetic monopoles. This means each magnetic field line must close from one pole to the other. The same with words in a script.
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Good pulpy stuff here. Again, it's all good Owen. Erik, I like your ending phrase "balance and harmony." My "no magnetic monopoles' reply was about this streams's topic - foreshadowing. Bill... existentialists... friggin' existentialists... lol
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Ok Mr. Bill, ya caused me ta whip out my dictionary for "existentialism" - "...stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts."
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What if your character is color blind?