I know that this is probably a long shot. But is anyone interested in throwing some ideas back and forth and seeing if there’s anything to work on between us? I’ve found myself, recently, struggling with an idea that I think can be done on a budget with minimal sets, minimal actors, minimal costume, etc. But I’m doubting my ability to come up with strong enough dialogue to make it as attractive as I think it can be. More than that, this is something I’ve been kicking around for a while—just wanting to talk creativity with likeminded people. So let me know if that might tickle your fancy.
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Sounds interesting. Please email me.
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Doug, try writing it as a silent film. Just all action lines.
Characters will begin to solidify. Then find someone in your life that is like those characters and think "What would they say". There is your dialogue.
Lets discuss. Mail me your idea on sureshkgoswami@hotmail.com. You may click the following link to have a brief view of my work, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18146513-burning-sapphires