As a producer/director I would love to take on the projects of the many people who contact me - but my funds are so tiny it's almost always impossible. Being independent "anything" is touch and the people who CAN produce stuff won't accept unsolicited materials. I hear it is not terribly difficult to get an agent though so you might want to look into that!
A trick can also be to get a relatively famous actor involved and if you have a name then it might get more attention. This poses the problem of getting your script to them though. This is easier than getting it to a production company however, so it might be worth also looking into. Plus you have that person's knowledge, network and support to draw on. Gates McFadden (who played Dr. Crusher on Star Trek The Next Generation) has been the primary driving force for a few small films because she really liked the scripts and was relatively easy to get a hold of personally.
You don't have to know them - you just need to know how to "pick" them. ;) And pitch a great script with a large role for them in mind. Many actors, like Gates, don't get an enormous amount of work and are very happy to be considered for parts in interesting projects. Many of them you can even reach simply through direct messages on Twitter or their own websites - some even have their own email or phone number listed on ImdbPRO!
Oh that would depend on who you could have in mind for your story - and they should match well so it should be someone you have watched multiple films with (and maybe even had in mind while writing the story). For instance, I have been writing a script (FOREVER) with Faye Dunaway in mind - A) because she's at a perfect place in her career (for me) to be caught by very low budget people and B) because it's tailored to show her skills and abilities that I already know of watching many many films with her. Now, in my case, chances are she will pass away before I ever finish that script - but maybe you get the idea? If you haven't had someone in mind from the beginning, think of someone who would be perfect for the role (and isn't some A list actor) but maybe someone a little older, whose career has (according to some people) faded a little. Look for "usedtobe'ers" who are now doing either no films or short films (even student films) or who just simply like to work on just about anything where they can showcase themselves. Many many actors who had a hit - or several hits - in the 80's and 90's are now in that category. Younger actors are a little more tricky because if they aren't already famous they still don't have the "usedtobe" to lean on - so hopefully your scripts aren't full of 20 year-olds :)
As a producer/director I would love to take on the projects of the many people who contact me - but my funds are so tiny it's almost always impossible. Being independent "anything" is touch and the people who CAN produce stuff won't accept unsolicited materials. I hear it is not terribly difficult to get an agent though so you might want to look into that!
I have looked into that, extensively. So far nada. I agree that things can be expensive.
A trick can also be to get a relatively famous actor involved and if you have a name then it might get more attention. This poses the problem of getting your script to them though. This is easier than getting it to a production company however, so it might be worth also looking into. Plus you have that person's knowledge, network and support to draw on. Gates McFadden (who played Dr. Crusher on Star Trek The Next Generation) has been the primary driving force for a few small films because she really liked the scripts and was relatively easy to get a hold of personally.
That’s actually a very good idea. I just don’t personally know any actors.
You don't have to know them - you just need to know how to "pick" them. ;) And pitch a great script with a large role for them in mind. Many actors, like Gates, don't get an enormous amount of work and are very happy to be considered for parts in interesting projects. Many of them you can even reach simply through direct messages on Twitter or their own websites - some even have their own email or phone number listed on ImdbPRO!
Hmmm that is a great idea! Do you know any really good ones?
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Oh that would depend on who you could have in mind for your story - and they should match well so it should be someone you have watched multiple films with (and maybe even had in mind while writing the story). For instance, I have been writing a script (FOREVER) with Faye Dunaway in mind - A) because she's at a perfect place in her career (for me) to be caught by very low budget people and B) because it's tailored to show her skills and abilities that I already know of watching many many films with her. Now, in my case, chances are she will pass away before I ever finish that script - but maybe you get the idea? If you haven't had someone in mind from the beginning, think of someone who would be perfect for the role (and isn't some A list actor) but maybe someone a little older, whose career has (according to some people) faded a little. Look for "usedtobe'ers" who are now doing either no films or short films (even student films) or who just simply like to work on just about anything where they can showcase themselves. Many many actors who had a hit - or several hits - in the 80's and 90's are now in that category. Younger actors are a little more tricky because if they aren't already famous they still don't have the "usedtobe" to lean on - so hopefully your scripts aren't full of 20 year-olds :)
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Yeah that’s a good idea but the one I have in minds seems impossible.
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Thomas - words you should never utter; "seems impossible".