I see producers advertising for family Christmas screenplays on a regular basis. I wrote a dark (kinda, sorta) spin on It's A Wonderful Life called The Life And Times Of George Bailey. Last week, I pitched it to a producer and received a read request. Strictly speaking, it's not a Christmas film, though like the original, it's set against the backdrop of Christmas Eve.
My question for forum dwellers is you've written a Christmas Script, please share your experience.
Happy holidays to all!
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Happy Holidays to you, Phillip!
I haven’t written one yet but I’ve had a treatment floating around for awhile that I wrote for another producer a couple years ago. I recently sent it to the producer I’ve been working with, and he really liked it. He’s pitching it to his investors and if they like it, I will be writing it. It’s a totally schmaltzy Hallmark style holiday story, not my usual style, but if someone wants to pay me to write it, I’m down!2 people like this
Hey Mr. Hardy,
Here's to the best for you and yours this holiday season. I always enjoy our exchanges here.
Yeah, I wrote a family-friendly Christmas western. I also have a horror script that has Christmas as a background.
Last night my partner and I watched "The Oranges." One of our Christmas favorites.
Here's to good things for your George Bailey.
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Nothing wrong with Hallmark movies. There have been several very good ones. Merry Christmas and good luck with your potential project.
I haven't seen The Oranges. I'll have to put it on my list. It has a wonderful cast.
I echo your sentiment about our exchanges. I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful, peaceful holiday.
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I thought about making How The Grinch Stole Christmas but set in NJ with a garbage man in a green jumpsuit. Like Bad Santa meets Raising Arizona.
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Hey Jerel... I'd watch that!