I've been a member since 2014 and then I stopped coming here. Giving this another go. I have since designed and developed video concepts a whole bunch of theatre productions (incl. San Francisco Opera), I have translated two plays. And I have curated a number of art exhibitions (incl. a Bruce Bickford retrospective).
I design spaces, I develop video concepts, I do ping-pong sessions for production design of any kind. I translate stuff between German and English.
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Glad you came back to the community - we've grown to over 500,000 since you've been here :) I checked out some of your photos on your profile and you are really talented Tommi. How was it working for the San Francisco Opera? I'm sure that was an incredible experience.
Hey Amanda, sorry, I dropped off the radar again. San Francisco was ace. A challenging task working on the restaging of an existing production, but the team was absolutely awesome, the support and trust was overwhelming. I loved every minute of it.