Your Stage : Knowing When To Take A Break As An Overseas Actor by Kahlid Elijah Tapia

Kahlid Elijah Tapia

Knowing When To Take A Break As An Overseas Actor

If you didn't learn this when you were in your host country, learn it now! Stopping is just as important as the going. Today's post...

Knowing When To Take A Break As An Overseas Actor

WHEN YOU'RE NOT CAUGHT UP - Acting is art and art is never finished. Stop with the idea that you need a certain list fulfilled before you can take a break. Can't catch your breath if you keep holding it.

WHEN YOU CAN'T SEE YOUR GOAL - Accomplishing your goal means stepping back and seeing all sides. This is done best with a fresh mind and rested body. Goals are accomplished when you SEE the obstacles.

WHEY YOU'RE ARTISTICALLY BLOCKED - Your artistic block is a product of tunnel vision. Go for a run, hit the punching back, do a spin session. Anything to get your mind off the acting career...Expat Thespian!

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