Introduce Yourself : New here, just saying Hi! by Brandon Wilson

Brandon Wilson

New here, just saying Hi!

Recently finished reading Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers and really learned a lot, so I figured why not give this 'ol Stage 32 a try, ha ha.

My name is Brandon and I'm currently pursing my MFA in Film Production at the University of Central Florida (think Blaire Witch project). It's a crazy program where everyone in the class must create a micro-budget feature length thesis film - we have to fund it ourselves and everything! It's so scary, but it will be so rewarding.

I look forward to talking to and learning from you all. This is my first feature and it feels so daunting and could use the moral support!

Brandon Wilson

Thank you!

Wayne Jarman

All the best, Brandon. Welcome.

Adam Harper

Hi Brandon, sounds exciting. I think some of the best creative work can come when we are restricted in some way. Good luck with the project!

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage 32 Brandon. Richard "RB" Botto has written a killer book and this is a killer place to find all you need in your creative endeavors! Happy networking!

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