recently: The ChrisKanakis WhosZoominWhoDANCE-Photoshoot reupload is now on youtube Originally published on Vidme it was deleted when the site shutdown Dec15th '17 after receiving over 204,000 views!! Making it my most popular personal project! Its on Youtube now at 5K please show support friends
I had a leading role in an episode of the Cutting Crew on El Rey
Network, 2 leading roles on a show for the Discovery Channel (ID)
2011/2012, was a model on FOX5-DC's morning show with Holly Morris
modeling Mc Hammer, Batman and Robin Hood, had a small speaking role
on the Lifetime movie "Unanswered Prayers" and was featured in a
Noggin promo. That married with the almost full page cover of the
Tribune Chronicle I had in 1987 and other features throughout the 80's
(and recently in 2015) and my experience on WSCN-the Warren Student
Communication Network, which was aired to a large 4 level school with
around 3,000 students and on Public Access tri-county wide in NE Ohio,
gives me over 25 years experience for you! (all of which can be seen
on my Youtube Portfolio). My time working as a Production Assistant
and being a Brand Ambassador for various promotional events gives me
wide range of knowledge.
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Pleasure meeting you Chris.