Screenwriting : How much do you spend on competitions? by Pete Whiting

Pete Whiting

How much do you spend on competitions?

do you enter anything and everything? Only a few? Do you have a budget for competitions, coverage, pitch opportunities etc? could the money be spent on better things for a writer to progress career?

What is your view on competitions - do they really lead to success versus query letters? Do agents or producers only care about the big competitions and not that you were second in some obscure lowly competition.

And what is success from these competitions look like? An option? Your film on screen?

I have had 4 options for one of my works from very small companies. They have ranged from $50 to $210 with a "really good back end deal if we can get it made". Naturally I declined these.

Louis Hayward

Hi, Pete,

I recently entered my first competition (Script Pipeline's TV Pilot). I'm not sure I have much of a view on them as yet - it was merely time for me to let my script 'fly' and see what happens with it. Success for me would simply be getting some positive feedback or learning that there's still some work to do!

Options are not to be sniffed out - regardless of the companies. Well done.

Tony S.

There are three worthy comps - Page, Nicholl and Austin - that give winning writers some exposure. The rest are on a continuum between scam and modestly worthwhile for exposure. Beware comps pushing, pushing, pushing their feedback. Grabbing that money is their sole interest.

Money is better spent on pro notes to get a script to a saleable position. Once a script is there, pitching and querying.

Dan MaxXx

Do the free fellowships sponsored by studios: Warner Bros tv workshops, NBC writers on the verge, Disney, Imagine Impact. They pay a salary.

Anthony Moore

I've entered several contest each year for the last few years. I've had several places and three wins. (Check my profile) None of which have gotten me anywhere yet. The cost to return ratio = I broke even most years. But overall it forced me to write better screenplays each year.

My last win gives me an opportunity to attend a Pitchfest this year to pitch my script to many companies, managers and agents. I am confident that I'll finally make a deal, whether a sale or representation. Either way, I will consider it my first real solid step towards having one of my scripts made into a movie and getting a writing credit.

Tony S.

I see the check with memo "Bribe' cleared. Thank you, Pamela. Yours was a good read.

PS Better to ask that question before jumping from the plane, but it's okay. :)

Karen Stark

Imagine Impact is free to submit to. I think they are on their second intake. The third intake opens in September. They offer a two month content development program in LA and pay $40,000 in expenses if selected. I know Impact One finalists sold work via the program.

Craig D Griffiths

I entered plenty previously. They are worth it as long as you get notes.

I entered The Valley in a few. The notes varied, but theme of the note around Sara being passive triggered a rewrite and it became a better script.

I was considering something for the Nicol.

Steve Captain

Karen Stark Is this the site?

Danny Manus

Here's the deal on Fellowships... if you don't live in LA or are not willing to move to LA if you win, then dont waste your money. On contests, I agree with Tony that you're better off spending $300 on great pro notes before spending $300 on contest entrance fees for a script that isnt ready. And when I say ready, I mean it is SO good that it will make the top 100 out of 7000+ scripts. If u dont think it is... then stop entering contests. I do want to congratulate one of my mentor clients, Neal Wiser for Winning 2nd Place in the Stage32 TV Pilot Contest!!! And big Congrats to another mentor client Darla Phillips for making it to the Top 10 Finals of the Stage32 TV Pilot Contest!! If youre NOT advancing in contests, it's time to work with an experienced consultant!

Karen Stark

Steve Captain yes that is the site. It's Ron Howards little baby. They announce when submissions are open on Twitter but generally it seems to be every four months. I have yet to apply. They require at least one completed screenplay and I have four incomplete due to my ADHD : / hopefully in September I'm good to apply and start looking at other competitions that offer advancement as part of the deal. I do know from keeping an eye on the program that they bring people in from the studios for pitch days as part of the whole program. They basically seem to mentor the finalists through to that pitch and also bring in managers and agents who may sign finalists if they like the cut of their gib. Hope that helps Steve Captain

Dan MaxXx

Wenonah Wilms, last year’s Nicholls finalist, blogged about her experiences after winning. If you could accept that nobody wants to make contest specs into movies, you’re ahead of the game.

Ty Ross

Many of the contests offer extended coverage for an additional fee. The Austin Film Festival provides notes with every entry. I suppose it depends on your endgame. If you do choose the festival route, choose the ones that will give you the most in regards to your goals.

Tony S.

The freebie notes are very scant, Ty. A few sentences. Even (paid) Nicholl feedback is less than a page. Freebie comp notes are meant to reconcile the reader's score to the competition organization, and may offer a nugget or two.

Phil Clarke

If you're going to get pro feedback, then I'd not rely on comp feedback. But then I am slightly biased. ;)

Closed Account

I do wonder about them. The free ones have a massive response and the big ones are very expensive. I remember seeing a post on here a while ago from a guy who won one of the biggest in the USA but was still struggling for something to be made. I don't know for sure, but I guess, it's better for one small scale agent or production company to take you on than win a big competition. I've used Phil Clarke (above) and he is reasonably priced and offers constructive, no hold barred, feedback. I've looked at a few scripts myself and offered opinions from other newbies (for free I'm not a professional) and one is being edited now and will be my first credit. Although, Phil can sleep in his bed safely, for now anyway!

Phil Clarke

Thanks, MIchael. The Chemists, wasn't it? How's that coming along?

Closed Account

Yes that's it. I haven't done much on it. I've been concentrating on a book I started years ago. I'll be back on it soon.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Pamela, S32 does have a policy. Some ignore or slip through only to be suspended. “David” has been removed from the site.

Stevan Šerban

Page and Austin.

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