Dan, I just asked Alexa to get me a beer and she came back with "Okay, here are your police scanner codes." Probably for the best. 9:00am on a Wednesday is a little too early for a cold one.
@Dash Pour yourself a tall glass of ice cool larger like they did in "Ice Cold In Alex" A drink worth waiting for after their ordeal in the heat....and then write another classic film!
Karen Stark I believe it. Blarney was so wet and cold, I can see how it would happen in places like that. Australia is the driest continent, not used to water being a problem, lack of it, yes.
Well that was easy.
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Move to Sydney. That’s Autumn. During Summer down here you can sweat under water.
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Move to Blarney in Ireland. I was there last year for a trip. Never gets over 26 and they have never seen Airconditioning.
People die of damp they tell me.
I actually nearly did die from damp Craig D Griffiths
As long as the place has flush toilets (with seat warmers) and AC, I can be as manly as anyone.
Dan, I just asked Alexa to get me a beer and she came back with "Okay, here are your police scanner codes." Probably for the best. 9:00am on a Wednesday is a little too early for a cold one.
Allergies stop me from writing. I am just too miserable to function.
Also, anytime within two hours of talking to the ex.
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Stare at the AC unit until it gives in and turns itself on
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@Dash Pour yourself a tall glass of ice cool larger like they did in "Ice Cold In Alex" A drink worth waiting for after their ordeal in the heat....and then write another classic film!
Done. An ice-cold (but no ice) Stoli straight from the freezer hit the spot.
Karen Stark I believe it. Blarney was so wet and cold, I can see how it would happen in places like that. Australia is the driest continent, not used to water being a problem, lack of it, yes.