Hello I hope that this is the right place to post this , it is not so much about acting but more about casting . I am currently looking to cast for a project . It is a paid project at above union rates . I am not sure how much detail I should but in the call as the actor that I would need would have to film a rape scene and also get a haircut. Would you want to know this before you applied for a role or something that you would feel happier discussing at the audition ?
Very tough call. I for one, as an actor, would be happier knowing these types of things before hand, honestly. On the practical side, a hair cut could be a deal breaker if I were maintaining a specific hair length for another project. Good info to have. As for things dealing with very sensitive material, like a rape scene, nudity, sexuality/etc., that is very much something I would want to know, at very least the context of the scene in question before going in. Better to know earlier than later as a producer/director if your talent may be too uncomfortable shooting something like that.