Filmmaking / Directing : Taking an acting class by Apolos Israel

Apolos Israel

Taking an acting class

Hello Stage32 family, I'm working on some complex stories and I need advice on working with actors (and non actors). I was told that I should take some acting classes to get a feel for what its like to be directed. For those who direct and have taken acting classes, did you find that these helped you communicate with your actors better?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

No. But you do have to understand that your role as director is to assist an actor in achieving their best performance. An acting class is not going to help you to do that not least because every actor responds differently to techniques, etc., so what you experience has little in common with other actors apart from "the struggle". Having said that, you do need to understand at least the basics of different acting schools - Stanslavsky being the first and most important. The difference between "method" acting and "the method" as well as the mindset of the masters. At least in L.A. "the Meisner technique" is big in the acting community and you need to understand that as well.

Apolos Israel

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg Thanks for the advice. I guess I can just pick up a few books rather than take expensive classes.

Alex Castaneda

Hey Apolos, I think that it is very important to have taken acting classes when striving to be a new director. I originally took acting classes before studying directing and editing and I find it very beneficial to have experience in front of the camera. Good luck man!

Brenda LeGeral Gafford

Hi Apolos... I'm a writer and director. I've also taught a few acting classes some years ago. However, I've noticed whenever I audition actors for one of my shows... I have a balance of great actors with some have taken classes and others have not. Many people are 'natural' actors. When I direct and the actor can bring forth my vision from the paper to life... that is the most important thing! I wish you much success!

Mark Schaefer

yes, learn to take direction and you will learn how to give direction. Work all angles of filmmaking to get a learning experience. This can help your over all knowledge and skill set.

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