Acting : What online tools do you need as an Actor? by Tomasz Mieczkowski

Tomasz Mieczkowski

What online tools do you need as an Actor?

Hello everyone and happy Saturday.

I just remembered that I haven't given this lounge topic much love lately, but that's only because I've been hard at work coding away new great things for Stage 32 and every now and then improving on the actor services I've been building on the side. I'm currently working on improving the actor resume builder tool, and line memorization tool. Recently completed the acting tasks aggregator too, and with job aggregator on my plate now I must say I'm slowly running out of ideas how I can help my acting community.

With this said, I'd love to know if you can think of some tool that could be useful to you as an actor. I'm wide open to suggestions, and if I get none, I'll just assume that I've done it all... :) Nah, I'll probably think of few more myself, but still, the goal here is to help you guys, so let me know what online tool would be helpful to you and I will add it to my concepts list.

Thanks, and as always, keep on rocking!

Richard Smith

Hi Tomasz, My friend and I are creating a webinar where we coach creative individuals in the entertainment business in using spiritual principles to help them break through the mental blocks that are keeping them from their dreams. I see a lot of classes and webinars on the technical aspects of the industry, but not a whole lot on the mental and emotional aspects of breaking into the business. I was wondering if you can give me some insight into how the Stage 32 community can benefit from our free webinar. You can learn more about this webinar at

I appreciate any suggestions that you may have and thanks for the great work that you do with Stage 32.

Rich Smith

Filmmaker/Spiritual Life Coach

Matt Bandas

I'm a member of Richard Smith's webinar. As a new actor, I booked my first four films in 2 and a half months. I give a lot of credit to the principles he teaches. Good stuff.

Richard Smith

Hey Matthew, I just noticed this shout out to my work with you. Thanks! I appreciate the mention. It's been a long time and would love to connect again and see how you are doing.

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