Screenwriting : What Do You Bring To The Table by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

What Do You Bring To The Table

One of the gems I took away from the stage32 workshop over the weekend, was that you've got to bring more to the table than your script. Build a following, create a brand. I took this to heart, and really have made the step to level up my game in that avenue.

In a vid recently uploaded to Stage32's YouTube channel (recommend you give a follow if you haven't as yet), Richard "RB" Botto further speaks on misconceptions creatives have about building an audience for their projects.

What are you doing as a creative, to build your brand and following?



Solange Plaza

Yes, definitely a lot to think about.

Craig D Griffiths

I like to think of myself as NIKE. If I make a shoe no one wants, why would a shop buy it off me? There are no customers for this type of shoe.

If I can hand a script to a producer and say "This is a good script, it can be made for a budget that leaves room for profit and it has an audience". I think it is a much easier conversation to have,

I am building a personal brand over at but that again is for producers, not viewers. People know Harrison Ford, they may know George Lucas, but how many non-writer know Lawrence Kasdan?

Imo Wimana Chadband

"If I can hand a script to a producer and say "This is a good script, it can be made for a budget that leaves room for profit and it has an audience". I think it is a much easier conversation to have." Exactly, Craig!

I myself am working on my website. It was originally for my poetry and other writing stints, but I'm doing some updates to incorporate my screenwriting as well. I'm even thinking of getting behind a camera and dabble on that end as well.

Craig D Griffiths

Imo Wimana Chadband well done. You have to be willing to build yourself before you can expect others to help.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Trying my best Craig D Griffiths I've got to control what I can, right? You guys inspire me to do more.

Craig D Griffiths

I see a lot of people appear and disappear from here. The one things most have in common is they all ask a question like “how do I find a manager/agent/rep to help me build my career?”.

I believe you build yourself as much as possible until people start fighting to get access to you. It is wrong to make someone else responsible for your growth. If you can’t grow you. No one else can.

Imo Wimana Chadband

That;s very true Craig D Griffiths I don't want to be one of those people. I want to be here for the long haul, and I'm truly finding a passion in the film industry. Screenwriting is my main interest, but I want to learn so much outside of it as well. Wish me luck in trying my hand at testing out filming. I'm sure I'm going to be lost, haha.

Richard "RB" Botto

Some fantastic insights here, Craig and Imo. Craig, you couldn't be more right. Most people quit because they don't take the time to understand how the business works. They don't research how to put themselves in the best position to win. They want instant results (which is certainly not how this business operates). They don't embrace the long game. Those that understand and embrace the concepts of crowdsourcing win the day. That simple.

Doug Nelson

RB, dead on! Learn & understand the realities of how the business works!

Elisabeth Johanna Bennenbroek

I agree on all of this, writing alone is not enough, there has to be a feeling with the reader and the audience. As in Public relations.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Aiming to do the same with my screenplays, Dan.

Imo Wimana Chadband

There's so many other things accompanying the writing, Elisabeth. For me, I want to learn more about the business on a whole as well

Imo Wimana Chadband

Makes sense, Dan. I've been rattling my mind trying to figure out going about attaching meaningful talent when the time comes. I guess my main worry is that I'm not a big name, to attract talent, you know. But, full speed ahead, no time to doubt...Man, I really wish you find the love for screenwriting again, because you're good at it.

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