Screenwriting : Opinions solicited by Raleigh Marcell

Raleigh Marcell

Opinions solicited

I have been cold-querying producers who have done films in the mode of a script I am marketing.

I have a logline, some blank space, and then: "MORE" :below which is a short synopsis of the script, all followed by my IMDB link as well as a link to a film made from a previous script.

I just received this response:

"No interest in “Dramedy”, so don’t send me a short synopsis that I haven’t read and won’t read. A log line is an idea for a story, where a synopsis is an unsolicited description. No serious producer wants unsolicited material."

Should queries ONLY contain a logline?

Thanks in advance!

Philip Sedgwick

My recommendation would be the non-query query. You need to ask if you can send ANY IP to a producer before sending anything. Something short, describe the genre (not the story), say something remarkable (and honest) about yourself, then send. Personally, I would never send even a logline in a cold query.

Dan MaxXx

Ive had success sending a cheesy 1-page pitch deck. Basically a brief Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 summary with pictures of how I see the movie. The page looks like a comic book.

i insert the pitch deck PDF into the body of the query.

Either my query is deleted, no response or send. I have never been scolded for a query. Whoever sent you back that response is an asshat but movie making is full of asshats, grifters, nay sayers. Lots of NO people.

Stefano Pavone

I've been trying for 15 years and barely got an answer from anyone. It's kind of rude.

William Martell

Yes. ONLY a logline.

Same as it ever was.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Kay Luke so you agree with the use of that format in the link you attached?

Doug Nelson

Keep in mind the Producer's point-of-view. Every Producer has a comfort level; be it budget, genre or whatever, and there are jillions of scripts floating around - all clamoring for attention. The Producer must figure out a way to filter all these scripts in order to find just one that is worthy of his/her efforts. It's like taking a sip from a fire hose.

Raleigh Marcell

Kay, thanks for the comment. That is my thinking exactly when I query. The logline is at the very top and in big bold and will be seen without having to scroll. I do leave some space and then IF it has caught interest a short synopsis is below. Saves time for both of us. And you're right, if the log doesn't interest it can simply be deleted.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Ah! I see, Kay. I understand what you're saying, and I can see the logic behind it. You've really got a wealth of knowledge. Can only imagine what it must be like being around, and working with industry professionals at that level.

Stefano Pavone

Hmm... this might be what I need. Thank you. :) I now know what I must do.

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