Introduce Yourself : Zombies Rule ok? by Kevin Short

Kevin Short

Zombies Rule ok?

Hi to all the Stage 32 family - I am a writer/director/performer with an equal passion for stage and film. Following a Zombie genre film (which is in post right now) I wrote 'Zombie Zoo' - a stage piece, which is, in fact, a multimedia work (film and live drama). We played the Edinburgh Festival this year, and have just finished a successful run at London's Omnibus Theatre. Now, we are off to New York, to play the Kraine Theater for Halloween - 31st October at 10.30pm. Anyone in NY, please come and see us, it's quite a unique piece, and a new take on the Zombie genre, a post apocalyptic zombie thriller. If you can make it, do make yourself known and we can meet in the zombie flesh as it were. Meanwhile, here's a link to the theatre site:

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