Hello everyone! I am new to screenwriting and so excited to dive in. I am currently learning how to write a screenplay and here to learn, ask question and network with like minded people! Looking forward to sharing with others and learning!!
Hello everyone! I am new to screenwriting and so excited to dive in. I am currently learning how to write a screenplay and here to learn, ask question and network with like minded people! Looking forward to sharing with others and learning!!
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Hi I am in Elizabeth. Lets chat.
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My advice - learn storytelling first. Screenwriting is nothing more than a form, like poetry. Learn to weave a compelling story - the rest is formatting.
Lynne Forde, I’m ready when you are! Aray Brown, thank you so much! John Ellis, thank you for that advice! I have written and published 2 books, and working on editing now for my third book. I love writing books but feel like I can really let my imagination run wild making a movie script! That is exactly where I am at, the formatting. Learning how to do it correctly and how to get it in the right peoples hands!
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Welcome, Tahsha.
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I recommend reading a few books on the subject from the masters. I'm reading "Into the Woods" by John Yorke at the moment, but I have quite a few I use for reference like "Save the Cat!" by Blake Snyder (which is a great starting point for new screenwriters) and "Screenplay" by Syd Field gives you a lot of the tools you'll need for the format.
At least, those (and many more) are the books I used to survive my Masters haha.
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I recommend, downloading and reading a few screenplays, write a one page summary of your entire movie idea (I chart what happens on which page), grabbing screenwriting software (like Celtx, WriterDuet, etc.), set a goal of writing so many pages a day, and write until you have a screenplay of about 100 pages, edit until perfect, then get feedback from other screenwriters in your circle, rewrite to correct errors and get more feedback. If you get a bunch of positive feedback, you're on the right track.
I have been reading screenplays everyday. I have so many ideas and new ones constantly coming to me. At this point I need to figure out which one I will start with! Anthony Moore, that’s great advice. I wasn’t sure if I should start writing now or wait! Thank you Chaz for that info! That’s exactly what I’m doing. I will grab those books! I love reading